How can you help make Small Things a success? Reviews and sharing! Now that the book is finally available, we need to get the word out!

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Please review and share Small Things!

you’ve already read and enjoyed Small Things, give it a review on one or all of those sites! Amazon is a very important site at which to review the book, but the other sites – Barnes and Noble, Smashwords – helps too!

Sharing is also important. Feel free to share links to my novel on Facebook, in tweets on Twitter, or anywhere else you think appropriate! You can link to my website, the Amazon page, or anywhere else you want.

You’ve already supported me so much that I feel comfortable asking you to do a little bit more. Reviews and sharing are the magic words! Thank you so much.



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From Joe's writing

Where moments before the bright morning sun flickered through the branches of the huge oak trees surrounding the property, everything in a ten yard radius immediately went pitch dark. The air, already a chilly fifty degrees, dropped past freezing in an instant, and the pressure changed to the point where he thought his eardrums might burst.

— Threads, Chapter 23