The Cat, the Crow, and the Cauldron: A Halloween Anthology eBook, featuring a brand-new story from […]
The raffle for the Memories of a Ghost cover reveal party is LIVE! a Rafflecopter giveaway
Murder. Magic. Mystery. Small Things! 4.6 star novel. FREE for Halloween! Oct. 30-31! #kindle #ebook #novel […]
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From Joe's writing

She shifted her legs against the pervasive rain and wind and felt the long glass shard hidden in her jeans pocket press against her thigh, working through the material to pierce her skin, drawing blood. Her eyes began to water and she released an inaudible gasp as she shifted her legs again, feeling the glass slip away from her skin. They mustn’t know she had the weapon, for they would surely kill her.

— Memories of a Ghost, chapter 37