Small ThingsSmall Things is now on sale! Within a week it will be on Amazon, and in eBook form, and hopefully a lot of other places, but for today it’s just through this website! Just click Store at the top of this page, in the menu bar. Or simply click Here.

Without the following people, “Small Things” might only exist on my word processor – if at all! I’ll repeat the dedication and acknowledgements straight from the book:


For my wife Andee and my son Fletcher, without whom this book most likely would still have been possible, but not nearly as rewarding


I’d like to thank everyone who contributed to helping make this novel happen, including Andee DeRouen, Bruce Diamond, Jason Warner, Jennifer Kuzbury, Annie Sturdivant Coppock, Jessica Rotich, LaDonna Elston Meredith, all the folks associated with NaNoWriMo, Rod Serling, Ken Grimwood, Charles de Lint, and my high school Jun-ior English teacher, Mr. Snowden, who was the first person to encour-age me and tell me I had talent.

Special thanks also go to Lisa Lauenberg, Jeffery and Tasha Derouen, Judy SoRelle, Pan Sticksel, Rebecca McFarland, Joe Reyn-olds, Phil and Melissa Rhoads, Jesse and Kristie Floyd, the real Zoom Beezie, Dave Doohan, Burgundy Wisrock-Eckert, Steven Jasiczek, Douglas Smith, Kristen Scissons, David and Shelley Darling, Paul and Ruth SoRelle, Melissa Jordan, and Vanessa Wages.

I will post more when it’s up on Amazon, in eBook form, etc!



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From Joe's writing

Ruskin struggled to his knees. Shaking his head, he looked up at Shawn. ‘Son, you’re… glowing. What’s going on?’

— Small Things, Chapter 41