A Pattern of Shadows will be released on October 26, 2021! Click on the cover to […]
To coincide with the upcoming release of A Pattern of Shadows, the final book in the […]
Here is the awesome cover for Memories of a Ghost, designed by Renée Barratt from The Cover […]
Please join me for the Memories of a Ghost cover reveal on Facebook on April 28th! […]
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From Joe's writing

Jenny was asleep and dreaming. It was the summer of 1975, and she was at the lake with Tanner, and they were fishing. Well, Tanner was fishing. She’d come along because she had nothing better to do. She was already beginning to regret that decision, because it was excruciatingly hot, and the lake stank to high heaven.

She sat in the shade beside their bicycles, reading a book she’d checked out from the Carthage library. Jack of Shadows, by Roger Zelazny. It wasn’t bad at all, though she preferred her fantasy set in modern times. Still, it was better than fishing.

— Sundown Rising