Murder. Magic. Mystery. Small Things! 4.6 star novel. FREE for Halloween! Oct. 30-31! #kindle #ebook #novel […]
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From Joe's writing

Shawn stopped listening the moment that Jenny stepped into the room, all thoughts of the fetch banished to the back of his mind. She was dressed in a yellow peasant blouse, Levis, and a pink pair of Keds. The sight of her took his breath away. She was the prettiest girl he had ever seen, including all the nurses at the hospital, the TWA stewardess on his flight home from Texas, and, yes, even Quincy’s favorite meteorologist, Melissa Rhoads. Two delicate silver earrings partially hidden behind the redhead’s long hair completed the ensemble, adding a subtle contrast that made her emerald eyes sparkle with fire. Looking down at his own clothing, Shawn knew in an instant that he had woefully underdressed.

— Small Things, Chapter 20