Small Things has gotten some really good reviews from Amazon and Barnes and Noble!!


fivestarsA brand new star arrives with Small Things, December 11, 2012

A brand new star arrives with Small Things

Someone must send a team of mercenaries to tie Joe DeRouen to his computer, and only release him when all the books are published!

The story has some kind of magic feeling…
It pulsates with a life of its own… Accelerating to the big climax and making me want to see what’s next to our heroes…

There is some loose ends at the lat part, but that’s expected for a series. And it’s not something as vicious as Pullmans ends, as Joe really finish this arc…

Now, what’s next?

fivestarsCharming, Frightening and Satisfying, December 10, 2012
AndeeD “Visual Crafter of Notions”

Part of the charm of this book is being immersed in the 70s when teenagers didn’t carry cell phones, were allowed to wander a bit on their own without nervous parents hovering over them, and everything seemed that much more innocent. Then scary things start popping up and the action never stops. I was startled and horrified by the fetch (you’ll see) and worried about death and injury coming to our young protagonists. I was also quite unnerved by the true antagonist, the controller of the monster fetch.

The cast of characters are well-developed and you are happy to maneuver with them at the edges of the main plot. And all of those narrative threads knit together well in the end. Frankly, I can’t wait to read the second book in the trilogy.

If you are a fan of horror, magic realism and fantasy, you will enjoy this novel. It felt like part Stephen King, part Charles de Lint and part the best scary comic book ever.

Barnes and Noble:

fivestarsA Great Read!, December 10, 2012

Simply put, this is a must read!! I could not put it down! I was instantly drawn in by the storyline and characters. The aurthor made me feel like I was there as the events unfolded and I HAD to know how it ened. If you like authors like Stephen King, you will enjoy this book!



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From Joe's writing

She shivered, her stomach feeling queasy just thinking about it. Would she ever feel clean again? Would she ever again be able to see the good in this world, the world they were trying to save?

— Leap Year, chapter 27