FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Bestselling author Joe DeRouen releases Odds and Endings: Fiction Short and Otherwise, his […]
So November is National Writing Month (NaNoWriMo,) where you’re supposed to produce 50,000 words by Nov. […]
Odds and Endings: Fiction Short and Otherwise, my first collection of short stories, will be released […]
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From Joe's writing

Kingfisher and Quarry had a different partner than they did when he first met them all those years ago, a girl a little younger than Emily named Nadine Pahari, who currently walked along between them. She didn’t speak much. Shawn wondered what her story was but was almost afraid to ask. She and Emily had a brief conversation on the plane ride to the Yukon, the barren tundra they presently found themselves in, but that was it.

— A Pattern of Shadows, chapter 1