Earlier today, my ten-year-old son had guitar practice. When I reminded him of the class, he […]
The Great Cover Artist Search of 2012 has come to a conclusion, and I have found […]
This blog entry has absolutely nothing to do with writing, so please feel free to ignore. […]
Now that the Kickstarter campaign to raise funds to publish Small Things is over, the real […]
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From Joe's writing

Fred Ruskin sat by himself at a table in the back of the Peacock, the seediest bar that Carthage had to offer. Tonight he didn’t care who saw him drinking. The twang of Merle Haggard singing ‘Things Aren’t Funny Anymore’ drifted across the room from the old jukebox in the corner. ‘Ain’t that the truth,’ mumbled Ruskin, raising his glass in a silent toast to the music.

— Small Things, Chapter 21