So November is National Writing Month (NaNoWriMo,) where you’re supposed to produce 50,000 words by Nov. 30th. I’m participating, but not sure if I’m going to hit 50k this time around, as I have a lot going on this month!

I’ll be at Geek the Library at the Rogers Public Library in Rogers, Arkansas, on Saturday, Nov. 14th, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

On November 24th, Odds and Endings: Fiction Short and Otherwise will be released, and I’m having an online Facebook book party for that.

And then, of course, there’s Thanksgiving…

Happy November, everyone!


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From Joe's writing

Odin, the all-knowing father of the Norse deities, sat astride Sleipnir, his eight-legged horse, in the middle of this gathering of gods. He had called them all here because he knew that change was in the air, and, if they ignored it, their power and influence would suffer.

— A Pattern of Shadows, chapter 16