I haven’t updated my blog in almost three months. What have I been doing for those three months, you ask? (Yes, you. The lady wearing the hat, in the third row. I heard you ask. Now, please, sit down.) Well, I ran and lost for Benton County School of the Arts school board, I started a web development business (sparkynet.com,) and I’ve been writing. My still-untitled short story collection should be finished by July and hopefully be available for purchase in August. A little past the May deadline I’d set for myself, but that’s the joy of being an indie author: deadlines can be changed! I will be posting one of the stories from the collection for free, probably here and maybe on Wattpad, to whet your appetite for the book. If you can thinking of any other places I should post it, please let me know by commenting below. Stay tuned!


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From Joe's writing

“And so it begins,” he smiled, breaking the circle with his foot. He walked through the alley and out into the night without so much as a glance behind him.

— Threads, Prologue