I’m working on a collection of short stories and novellas tentatively scheduled for May release. The stories are going well, and will include a Small Things novella set in between the events of Small Things and Threads. However, I still haven’t completely decided on a title for the book. I have a few ideas, but am not completely sold on any of them. And so, gentle reader, I need your help. Take a look at the titles below and let me know which one you like best – or suggest your own!

  • Small Stories
  • Small Things, Big Ideas
  • A Collection of Short Stories and Novellas
  • Half-Remembered Dreams: A Collection of Short Stories and Novellas

What do you think? Let me know! If you suggest a title and I use it, I’ll list you in the “Thank You” section in the book!


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From Joe's writing

It was the time of Kölner Karneval in Cologne, or, as many of the locals preferred to call it, ‘die närrische Zeit’, the fifth and foolish season. Once a year, just after winter had ended, the city would host a huge carnival filled with parades, performers, and vendors hawking various foods and desserts, all enjoying a full weekend of madness celebrating the year to come.

— Small Things, Chapter 25