I’m working on a collection of short stories and novellas tentatively scheduled for May release. The stories are going well, and will include a Small Things novella set in between the events of Small Things and Threads. However, I still haven’t completely decided on a title for the book. I have a few ideas, but am not completely sold on any of them. And so, gentle reader, I need your help. Take a look at the titles below and let me know which one you like best – or suggest your own!

  • Small Stories
  • Small Things, Big Ideas
  • A Collection of Short Stories and Novellas
  • Half-Remembered Dreams: A Collection of Short Stories and Novellas

What do you think? Let me know! If you suggest a title and I use it, I’ll list you in the “Thank You” section in the book!


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From Joe's writing

Butchie prowled slowly through the grass, sniffing the wind. A cold front was coming, and it was going to rain tonight, but what he was hunting was far more elusive than weather; he was stalking death itself, had followed the trail halfway across town, through yards and across parks and highways, to this darkened road in the middle of the city.

— Memories of a Ghost, chapter 24