Big news! Chris Franklin, who drew the artwork for Castaway Toy’s Captain Action action figures, will be providing the 8 1/2″ x 11″ black and white sketch that will be included with the special edition (limited run of 25 copies) copy of Small Things II: Threads. (See this link for details on ordering!)

The sketch will either be a scene from the book or a character study. Below are several samples of Mr. Franklin’s work.

CA_package_back Castaway_Wolfman_package Flash_Gordon_card1_low karloff_frankenstein Phantom_package_front_bleed Thrillseeker_pinup_small CA_package





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From Joe's writing

Fred Ruskin knew for certain Kingfisher and Quarry were staying in room seven—it had taken just twenty dollars to find out that much from Candy’s cousin Vera Martin, who was currently on duty at the front desk—but for the life of him, he could not find that room. There were only eight goddamn rooms in the whole hotel, but number seven appeared to be missing.

— Sundown Rising