On my Facebook author page, I said if I reached 450 “Likes” I’d share a sneak preview of the upcoming audio book version of Small Things, read by the incomparable Jessica Duncan. I’m currently sitting at 457 Likes, so I guess I’d better follow through! 🙂

So without further ado, I’m thrilled to present to you Small Things chapter 2, as read by actress and all-around really nice gal Jessica Duncan! (pic below)

Just click on the green arrow below to listen to the MP3!

Small Things Chapter 2

Texas native and voice actress Jessica Duncan

Texas native and actress Jessica Duncan



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From Joe's writing

A chill went through him. He hadn’t cried for years, not even for his father’s funeral, but he felt hot tears fill his eyes. He shook his head, trying to dispel the voice, knowing it just wasn’t possible.

— Memories of a Ghost, chapter 46