The audiobook edition of Threads is finally in production! Madeline Mrozek is the narrator, and everything […]
This is still very much a work in progress, so please ignore typos and bad writing […]
The eBook anthology I’m part of, May the Fourth: A collection of Stories Across Time and […]
The Author’s Cave March Horror eZine is here, and features yours truly! (and a bunch of […]
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From Joe's writing

Katy felt like she was going to cry again. Ben had left to find a first aid kit, and she was terrified to be in the strange hotel room all alone. She carefully washed out her wound with soap and water, but it still looked awful and felt worse. She could barely comprehend the fact that she had almost been killed tonight. She’d always assumed the dreams were a product of some disturbed part of her mind, her imagination running rampant, but all of that had changed. Thank God Ben had been there to wake her.

— Threads, Chapter 20