The audiobook edition of Threads is finally in production! Madeline Mrozek is the narrator, and everything […]
This is still very much a work in progress, so please ignore typos and bad writing […]
The eBook anthology I’m part of, May the Fourth: A collection of Stories Across Time and […]
The Author’s Cave March Horror eZine is here, and features yours truly! (and a bunch of […]
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From Joe's writing

Fred Ruskin lay tangled in sweaty sheets, awake, alone, and staring at the ceiling, just as he’d been doing for the last hour and a half. He was also very drunk, and had been since at least noon, maybe longer. He honestly couldn’t remember. It was sweltering inside his apartment and he felt like he was going to puke again. Fighting down the urge to vomit, he forced himself to his feet, grabbing the bedpost for balance, and shuffled across his little apartment to the refrigerator to down another bottle of Pabst Blue Ribbon.

— Small Things, Chapter 32