My Patreon short story contest appears to be a success! Each month, I draw a name from my patrons and they get to tell me what kind of story they want me to write. I  completed October’s short story, titled Tom, on Halloween.  

Want to read it? All you have to do is subscribe to my Patreon, below. Even just $1/month will get you access to this and all future stories AND will get you an entry into the hat to tell me what to write!

I’m already working on November’s story, as suggested by Cassie Cook-Ward. I hope you’ll join me on this amazing ride!



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From Joe's writing

It was about an hour before sundown by the time they got to the carnival, but multi-colored lights already lit up the field. A huge red and white canvas tent filled Shawn’s vision, surrounded by several smaller tents. A giant, two-story carousel stood opposite the large tent, playing music as children rode the horses. There were people everywhere, playing games and waiting in lines.

— Sundown Rising