moag-audibleMemories of a Ghost, Joe DeRouen’s critically-acclaimed urban fantasy novel, is now available in audio book format! Narrated by the incomparable stage and voice actress Elizabeth Siedt, the book really comes alive through her deft and versatile voice.

What happens when the door between life and death opens a lizcrack and the dead start to rise, and the only person who can close it again can’t remember who she is? Find out in Memories of a Ghost, available now in paperback, eBook, and audio!

Purchase Memories of a Ghost in audio today!


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From Joe's writing

Where moments before the bright morning sun flickered through the branches of the huge oak trees surrounding the property, everything in a ten yard radius immediately went pitch dark. The air, already a chilly fifty degrees, dropped past freezing in an instant, and the pressure changed to the point where he thought his eardrums might burst.

— Threads, Chapter 23