The Odds and Endings: Stories Short and Otherwise audio book is now available from Amazon and Audible! Narrated by the incomparable Don donco-and-e-audioColasurd Jr., his deep voice gives gravity and a sense of urgency to each of the stories. Merryland in particular really stands out and is a pleasure in which to lose yourself!

Odds and Endings contains thirteen tales of magic, murder, and mystery. The compilation includes one novella and eleven short stories, one of which takes place in the Small Things universe and involves some of your favorite characters.

Don’s voice with my stories…what could be better?

Purchase Odds and Endings on Amazon or Audible here!


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From Joe's writing

Kingfisher removed an elegant silver pocket watch from his jacket; it was just a few minutes before midnight. Normally he abhorred technology, but the watch was old enough that it didn’t really bother him. He set it nightly against the monstrosity Mr. Quarry kept attached to his wrist, the wristwatch that connected every twelve hours with the atomic clock out of Boulder, Colorado. But that was good. Being off by even a millisecond could spell disaster. And so while he tolerated the simple technology inherent in his timepiece, he recognized his partner’s for what it was—a necessary evil that the smaller man endured so that they could keep to their schedule.

— Memories of a Ghost, chapter 25