Joe DeRouen

Joe DeRouen

I changed the title of my upcoming short story collection from Sundown Rising and Other Stories to Odds and Endings: Fiction Short and Otherwise. Why the change? Partly because I’m not done with Sundown Rising and have been “not done” with it for about a year. It will appear later, as either a novella by itself or as part of another collection.

So why Odds and Endings: Fiction Short and Otherwise? I enjoy wordplay. Odds and Ends. Odds and Endings. Get it? Plus, I think (hope?) that it reflects the original, quirky, and sometimes dark stories that you will find therein.

I’m hoping to get Odds and Endings out before the end of the year. In the meantime, please read Mommy’s Favorite for free on Wattpad to get a preview!

Mommy’s Favorite

Thank you for your continued support. It’s very much appreciated!joe-sig



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From Joe's writing

“I hope you’re right, Jenny, I really do. It just seems so…I can’t even put it into words. They’re here for three days, supposedly looking at properties out by the lake, and suddenly they’re contacting my dad, wanting to buy the house. Why would anyone want that thing?”

— Sundown Rising