I had a fun time at the Rogers Library Create-it Con today! Sold some books, met some cool authors, and enjoyed myself. Looking forward to doing it again next year!

Met seven other local authors, including Brooke Johnson, whom I shared a table with once we moved to the main room. We had fun trading stories about how introverted we were and how much we sucked at self promotion…but we still sold some books and gave away bookmarks and business cards!


Me at Create-it Con!

Mjölnir (Thor's hammer) in the cosplay contest. Shoulda won!

Mjölnir (Thor’s hammer) in the cosplay contest. Shoulda won!

Brooke Johnson at Create-It Con

Brooke Johnson at Create-It Con

Cosplayers at Create-It Con

Cosplayers at Create-It Con


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From Joe's writing

Corduroy let out a pitiful meow and she realized that she’d just been standing there beside the car letting the rain soak them both. She pressed the remote lock on her key ring and walked the rest of the way to Leesie’s door. Taking a deep breath, she steeled her nerves and rang the doorbell.

— Memories of a Ghost, chapter 28