This last Saturday, on June 27th, I got to meet one of my favorite musicians, Colbie Caillat! colbie1I’d included a reference to her and her song Never Gonna Let You Down in my novel Memories of a Ghost, and, when I learned she was coming to town, contacted her agent and told her about the book and asked if I drop off an autographed copy for Ms. Caillat. Instead, they invited me to meet her at the concert, where I could give her the book myself!

She seem genuinely excited to be mentioned in the novel, and said she thought it was “really cool.” She thanks me for the book and wished me luck, and then we were off to see the concert. (Which was awesome!)

It was a great night!


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From Joe's writing

The final attack came from a huge coyote missing half its head. The thing was half-rotted and crawling with maggots but it had given them a run for their money, running in, nipping at their heels, growling at them before circling around to do it all over again.

— Memories of a Ghost, chapter 40