Having finished Memories of a Ghost, (it’s currently being edited) I’ve started working again on my 2011 NaNoWriMo effort, Leap Year. Here’s a snippet:

dinerFall, 1959 

Rose had just started the second half of her double at Ken’s All-Nite Diner when two men burst through the door, punching and kicking each other. The smaller of the two, dressed in a brown leather jacket and blue jeans, struggled to escape larger man, who was covered head to toe in black and wore a ski mask.

Time seemed to slow. Her eyes had yet to fail her, but there was always a first time for everything. It was just past six in the morning, yet as the heavy wooden door drifted closed behind the struggling pair she could clearly see that it was nighttime.

Blinking, she turned to the huge window Ken had installed just six months ago. The bright morning sun made her eyes water. Swiveling back toward the entrance to the restaurant, she caught a final glimpse of the darkness beyond as the door completed its arc and slammed shut.


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From Joe's writing

The last thing he remembered was falling through the wall at Leesie’s house. It took every ounce of strength he had to communicate with Pete Snow, and he feared that whatever supernatural energy kept him bound to this mortal plane had finally worn out and he was gone for real.

— Memories of a Ghost, chapter 48