I wanted to release a book in 2014, I really did. Sadly, however, it was not to be. My collection of short stories and novellas, Sundown Rising and Other Stories, just isn’t finished yet. On top of that, I’m working on Memories of a Ghost, Leap Year, and of course the final book in the Small Things trilogy, A Pattern of Shadows. I also need to update this blog more than once every few months!

Small Things and Threads, the first and second books in the Small Things trilogy, have done well even if I’m not quite rich and famous yet. Small Things just scored its 90th review on Amazon! So though I may have slowed down during this last year, I’m not done yet. I plan to release two books in 2015, and hopefully two in 2016 as well, including the long-awaited and much-overdue third book in the trilogy. Stay tuned, and thank you so much for your support!


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From Joe's writing

He studied the brown haired twenty-four-year-old in her slinky black dress and diamond stud earrings, feeling a familiar stirring in his stomach. Spend the night together? That wasn’t how she meant it, of course. But she was right; they’d have a much better chance of stopping the murderer if they could take time out to relax and catch their breath, study the information he’d downloaded from the Web, and plan their strategy to ferret out the killer.

— Threads, Chapter 17