Threads, the second book in the Small Things trilogy, has officially been released! I worked very hard to make sure that Threads was a stand-alone novel insomuch as I could, so having read Small Things, while helpful, is not necessary in order to read Threads. So go buy your copy today!

And if you haven’t yet read Small Things and want to, just send me proof of purchase of Threads (your Amazon order #, for example) and I’ll send you the eBook version of Small Things for free!

Also, you may have noticed an Amazon search box on the top right side of the page. If you make your Amazon purchases through that link, I’ll get 5% of whatever you spend. And that money will go towards helping to promote my novels. So go shop!!

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From Joe's writing

He studied the brown haired twenty-four-year-old in her slinky black dress and diamond stud earrings, feeling a familiar stirring in his stomach. Spend the night together? That wasn’t how she meant it, of course. But she was right; they’d have a much better chance of stopping the murderer if they could take time out to relax and catch their breath, study the information he’d downloaded from the Web, and plan their strategy to ferret out the killer.

— Threads, Chapter 17