Threads will be released on October 8th, a little less than a month from now! And to celebrate the release, I’m holding a virtual party on Facebook as well as giving away a veritable boatload of amazing prizes!

To join the virtual party, please visit and join the event by clicking on the link below:

Join the Facebook Threads release party!

Once you’re there, sign up for the giveaway (mentioned on the pinned post inside the event) to win all sorts of fun prizes, including:

  • $25 Amazon gift card
  • Signed and numbered special edition of Threads trade paperback
  • Signed regular edition of Threads trade paperback
  • threadsbookmarkSigned Small Things trade paperback
  • 3 eBooks of Threads – your choice of format
  • 3 eBook of Small Things – your choice of format
  • Have a minor character in Joe’s next novel named after you
  • 10 Threads and Small Things bookmarks/sticker set
  • 3 copies Megan Early’s Memory of Prophecy eBook (your choice of ePub, Mobi, or PDF)
  • 2 copies Blade of Amber (The Woern Chronicles) Kindle eBook by A.M. Justice
  • Audiobook version of Small Things from Audible
  • 2 copies Mysterious Albion (Vatican Vampire Hunters) eBook by Paul Leone
  • 3 copies Rose Dewallvin’s The Lost Trucker

New prizes are being added almost daily, and you can earn multiple entries for thinks like Tweeting about the event and even just Liking My Facebook page!

Be sure to join the event and the giveaway to be eligible for these amazing prizes!

Join the Facebook Threads release party!



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From Joe's writing

Shawn slowly climbed the old wooden stairs, listening to the low creak that sounded from his footsteps. He hoped the wood wouldn’t collapse beneath him. But the stairs held strong and a moment later he joined his friend in the kitchen of the old house, a wave of suffocating humidity washing over them as they stepped deeper into its secrets.

— Small Things, Chapter 16