I just listened to the interview for “Ozarks at Large” on KUAF radio that I did with host Christina E. Thomas and I didn’t sound nearly as dorky as I feared I might! I mean, yes, I’m still a dork, just not quite as big of one as I thought.

My interview appears at around the 40 minute mark in the program. Go to http://www.kuaf.com/ozarksatlarge to listen to the whole program, or you can access just the interview at the link below:


Let me know what you think! I will add a permanent link somewhere on the website when I can.





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From Joe's writing

She’d texted Cassie just ten minutes ago, from her bedroom in her little apartment in Huffman Heights, and asked her if she might be up for a drink or three. Cassie had thought she was kidding, of course, but Emily swore that if she walked down to the Aurora, she would more than make it worth her while.

— A Pattern of Shadows, chapter 43