I just listened to the interview for “Ozarks at Large” on KUAF radio that I did with host Christina E. Thomas and I didn’t sound nearly as dorky as I feared I might! I mean, yes, I’m still a dork, just not quite as big of one as I thought.

My interview appears at around the 40 minute mark in the program. Go to http://www.kuaf.com/ozarksatlarge to listen to the whole program, or you can access just the interview at the link below:


Let me know what you think! I will add a permanent link somewhere on the website when I can.





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From Joe's writing

Moonlight shone down on the Mississippi River, reflecting off the water. It was a beautiful night, marred only by the fact that Gavin hadn’t been able to get home and that they were more than likely both wanted for murder.

— Leap Year, chapter 10