In the Kickstarter campaign to help publish Small Things, I offered to rename a minor character after a fan for a pledge of $100 or better. Several people took me up on the offer and are now immortalized forever in the novel.

Would you like your name in Threads, for free? It won’t cost you anything at all. All you have to do are things like “Like” Small Things on Amazon, revithreads-broken-smallew it on Amazon, share my fan page to your Facebook or Twitter feeds, or a number of other things detailed below.

At the end of March I’ll draw three names from a hat. The three names I draw will have minor characters in Threads renamed after them. The best thing is that you can enter the drawing more than once. In fact, you’ll get between one and three entries each for doing the following things:

  • 3 entries – Review Small Things on
  • 3 entries each – Review Small Things somewhere where it has never been reviewed before. An online bookstore, a blog, a website dedicated to fantasy and science fiction, the possibilities are endless!
  • 2 entries each – Review Small Things on,, or
  • 1 entry each – Rate Small Things on,, or
  • 2 entries – Blog about Small Things
  • 1 entry – Like Small Things on Amazon
  • 1 entry each – Share my Facebook fan page to your FB timeline and/or Twitter account and encourage folks to visit and Like it
  • 1 entry each – Share my blog page (this website!) to your FV timeline and/or Twitter account
  • 1 entry – Like my Facebook fan page
  • ?? entries each – Have you figured out a new way to get the word out about Small Things that I haven’t thought about? Do it, send me the details, and we’ll come up with the appropriate amount of entries for you!

After you’ve done one or more of these things – you can do as many as you like! – just email me, send me a message through this blog via Contact at the top of this page, send me Facebook mail, or a DM in Twitter and 6hat-1321890983let me know what you did and where. If you do some now and some later, that’s okay. You can contact me multiple times, and each time I’ll add the names to the hat immediately!

On March 31st, I’ll draw three names. (Any name drawn multiple times will be excluded after the first time, to insure we get three different people.) I’ll post the winner here, on Facebook, and on Twitter. And your name will be immortalized in Small Things 2: Threads forever!

(And, before you ask, if you’ve already done some of these things, just contact me and let me know and I’ll add your name the correct amount of times.)



8 Responses

  1. Math is hard! I did some of those… But my mind is boggled because I still didn’t got my first coffee…

    By th way… Does this means you’ll publish book 2 and 3 ths week?

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From Joe's writing

Rising from the old lawn chair he carried from town to town, the Reverend pushed aside the tent flaps to the cheer of his followers. He quickly walked past his helpers, through the throng of true believers, and onto the little stage they’d erected the night before.

— Threads, Chapter 13