Okay, so one thing is abundantly clear: I suck at maintaining a blog. It’s been almost two months since I last posted an update. I hear by pledge to try to do better in the future! All of that said, I just approved and paid for the “Small Things” cover (front, back, and ebook version) and am finishing inputting edits to the manuscript. If luck holds out, and I think it will, it should be finished and ready to ship to readers by the very end of Thanksgiving!

Want to purchase an autographed copy directly from me? Just visit this link!


The book will also be available from Amazon, and by order through just about any brick and mortar store. I also intend to have a book signing in Rogers, Arkansas at some point.

Thank you all for your support! I’m super excited to see this coming to fruition and have my next novel all ready to edit as soon as “Small Things” is off to press.



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From Joe's writing

Claire stood in front of a red brick house on North Mallard Lane, the one that her driver’s license said was hers, trying to find the courage to go inside. She walked the length of the front yard again, noting how the small silver maple tree supplied shade for one of the two outer bedrooms while at the same time providing a focal point for the landscaping that surrounded it. It was a beautiful house, but it was what lay inside that terrified her.

— Memories of a Ghost, chapter 18