After finally reading the much-talked-about Fight Club, with which I was disappointed, I swore I’d never read another Chuck Palahniuk book. I’m glad I didn’t keep that promise. Damned is actually, well, damned good! This novel follows the exploits of 13-year-old Madison Spencer’s trip to hell after a Marijuana overdose, and all she encounters in that fiery region. The story is a Breakfast Club of sorts, as Maddy (the chubby outcast) meets Babette (the cheerleader,) Patterson (the jock,) Leonard (the nerd,) and Archer (the punk.) The story, told in first-person and alternating flashbacks to Maddy’s life with her current adventure, is satire at it’s best. At times funny, touching, and caustic, it’s a hell of a good read.

(Click below to buy the book from Amazon!)


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From Joe's writing

Where moments before the bright morning sun flickered through the branches of the huge oak trees surrounding the property, everything in a ten yard radius immediately went pitch dark. The air, already a chilly fifty degrees, dropped past freezing in an instant, and the pressure changed to the point where he thought his eardrums might burst.

— Threads, Chapter 23