Now that the Kickstarter campaign to raise funds to publish Small Things is over, the real work has begun! I am still researching cover artists. I’m just picky, and haven’t totally decided on one yet. There are many talented folks out there, and prices run the gamut from totally affordable to yikes!

I have gone through the novel with a fine-toothed comb, found a few errors that made it past the last fine-toothed comb I edited with, and have decided that the book needs another chapter between 18 and 19 and am about to starting writing said chapter. Then it’s off to my wife (who is an excellent proofreader) for a read and edit, and then back to me for one final pass with the now-very-used fine-toothed comb.

I have decided to publish through Amazon’s CreateSpace, with my own ISBN and several other “custom” options, including the expanded distribution channels. This should get Small Things in front of as many faces as possible. I’m also going to try to set up a book signing at my local Barnes & Noble, and maybe one in Dallas as well.

I am still aiming for publication by December, possibly earlier. This has been a long time coming, and I want to get it right. Ideally, I want to sell enough copies to pay for publishing Threads (the sequel) and then see where it goes from there.

Thanks for all your support, dear reader, I truly couldn’t have done it without you! Huge thanks in specific to Lisa Lauenberg, Tasha Derouen, Bruce Diamond, and of course my wife Andee DeRouen and son Fletcher.


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From Joe's writing

‘You’d asked why I never learned to swim,’ said Jenny, picking up the conversation where it had dropped off. ‘Well, good question! For one thing, I wear glasses, and I’m practically blind as a bat without them. My parents could never afford contacts,’ she looked embarrassed, ‘and I’m not sure you can wear them in the pool to begin with. I just hate not being able to see.’

— Small Things, Chapter 9