March’s Patreon Challenge story is here! If you subscribe to my Patreon, you can read it […]
I released the third of my Patreon Challenge stories a few days ago, Online Undead. You […]
The second Patreon short story, Next Time is Now, is finished and up for everyone to […]
My Patreon short story contest appears to be a success! Each month, I draw a name […]
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From Joe's writing

Sabrina was Claire’s youngest sister, and Farris was Sabrina’s boyfriend. Emily’s parents had insisted she continue going to school after they’d moved to Carthage from Chicago, and Sabrina had befriended her on day one. They’d graduated high school together last year, but only recently put two and two together and discovered that both their families were touched by magic.

— A Pattern of Shadows, chapter 11