I have a confession to make. Despite having all four of my books on audio, I’d never listened to an entire audio book (other than vetting my own for approval) until last weekend.

Last Thursday, during a 10+ hour drive to Chicago, my  son and I listened to pro-wrestler Daniel Bryan’s autobiography Yes!: My Improbable Journey to the Main Event of WrestleManiaIt was an amazing story, and made me realize just what I’d been missing by avoiding audio books.

While audio books will never take the place of the written word for me, they are a great alternative—especially when driving, exercising, cleaning, or any other situation where you moag-audiblecan’t sit down and read. An added bonus is that the right narrator can really help bring the book to life!

I’ve been lucky enough to work with some amazing narrators for my own books. Going on a drive? Make sure to check them out!


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From Joe's writing

Jacob wished that Mr. Ruskin’s niece, Jenny McGee, and her boyfriend, Shawn Spencer, were here, but they were both finishing up their first year of college at Western Illinois University in Macomb. Macomb was less than thirty miles from Carthage, but Jacob couldn’t travel that far on his own. Heck, he wasn’t even supposed to know about Shawn’s magic.

— Up in Smoke, from Odds and Endings