The eBook anthology I’m part of, May the Fourth: A collection of Stories Across Time and Space, is now LIVE on Amazon! My story is titled “Up in Smoke,” and takes place in 1978 in the Small Things universe. Miss reading about Shawn Spencer, Jenny McGee, and Fred Ruskin? Grab this! It’s just $.99 right now, and will be free on SmashWords and elsewhere once it goes through the pipeline. (Any sales we get at $.99 will go toward purchasing ads that will run on May the 4th.)

It’s for the Kindle here!

I will add more links at the eBook is added to other sites!


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From Joe's writing

Colin sat in the living room of his and Natsumi’s tiny apartment, looking up flight information to Quincy, Illinois on his laptop. He had barely been able to contain himself as he drove himself and Natsumi from University, thoughts flying though his head a mile a minute. He felt like an enormous, stultifying weight had been lifted from his shoulders, a weight he hadn’t fully realized was there until this morning.

— A Pattern of Shadows, chapter 20