The Great Cover Artist Search of 2012 has come to a conclusion, and I have found my cover artist! Renee Barratt, owner of The Cover Counts, will be designing the cover for Small Things. Renee is super-affordable (leaving me more money to buy stock and advertising,) has designed some really sharp covers, and comes highly recommended by best-selling author Connie Suttle.

Thanks to everyone I spoke to about designing my cover, especially Tim Baron and Lynne Hansen. Both are insanely talented and would make a great cover for just about any book.

I do think choosing the right cover is important, a cover that manages to convey something about the book while at the same time being eye-catching. I know I’ve chosen books solely based on the cover, and sometimes I’ve even liked the book itself. I can’t wait to see what Renee comes up with!


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From Joe's writing

Katy Ruskin awoke tangled in covers, bathed in sweat, breathing hard and on the verge of screaming. She’d had another one of the dreams, this one worse than the last. She was in the house again, the house that Henry Spencer had turned into apartments before she was even born, and was running, running, running for her life. Running from some unseen menace, constantly looking over her shoulder, hiding in the shadows, scurrying away from God only knew what.

— Threads, Chapter 1