Rose was waiting tables at Ken’s All-Nite Diner in Keokuk, Iowa, circa 1959, when something happened that would change her life forever. Two men burst through the front door, fighting for their lives. Though it was morning, she could
see stars in the nighttime sky through the doorway as the door closed behind them. The larger of the two men quickly gained the advantage, knocking the smaller man unconscious before running out of the diner.
Rose, a student nurse, quickly patched up the injured man, and when an ambulance arrived, insisted on riding with him to the hospital. His name was Henry Martin, according to his driver’s license, though both the license and the
money in his wallet are dated some 60 years in the future. There’s something else, too—a portable telephone that plays music and seems to have a miniature color television inside.
Just who is Henry Martin, where did he get these things, and why is someone trying to kill him?